Sunday, 15 April 2012

brighton boot sales

mirror - 50p / necklaces - 50p each / silver trinket box - 50p / gold matchbox - £1 / rings - £1 for 5 / candle holder - 50p / russian doll - £3 / cat ornaments - 50p each / silver basket - 50p / top (originally topshop) £1.50 / bag (fake viv) £10

This morning I went to two car boot sales in brighton. Hadn't been for years and the brighton marathon was on today making it difficult to get there so didn't no what to expect. In the past i've got some really good clothes from the one at the marina but there wasn't anything that caught my eye at either today, however if you're looking for cheap vintage dresses and coats then there are plenty.

Made friends with an old man on the bus who told me both weren't as busy as usual yet I still managed to come home with this lot all for £21. Most of it is from the boot sale at the race course but normally the marina is really good, would recommend going to both. The bag was amongst some other low profile designers just got it for a weekend bag as i'm not too fond on it but just couldn't resist.

Click HERE for more info about all car the boot sales in brighton. I'd recommend getting to both early, I got there around 9. Will definitely be going again.

Sorry again about the poor quality pictures, will have a real camera soon.

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