Tuesday, 19 June 2012

d.i.y shoe dye

for ages i desperately wanted topshop's alibi boots in black however they came at a price I simply couldn't afford (£78) after watching loads on ebay and bidders out bidding my price limit my friend came across a brown pair in the topshop sale a while ago for £35.

I bought the dye off ebay for less than £5 it came with easy to read/understand instructions and a small application brush. the whole thing was really easy to do, the only minor set backs were that I forgot to shake the bottle before use resulting in the first boot turning a metalicy brown similar the ink in biro, however with repeat application and shoe polishing (which were just in my house but can be bought anywhere) that faded. the other, make sure you pad the shoe/boot with newspaper! I took mine out when re-applying causing the leather in some areas of the boot to crease, but that would have happened  naturally with age anyway.

haven't quite worn them in enough yet but very pleased with them and managed to save myself £38 will definitely be keeping an open mind in the sales from now on as there's so many other dylon colours.

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