Friday, 14 September 2012

outfit #23 - hampstead heath

top - h&m (mens) / shorts - charity shop / trainers - air force 1 / belt - ebay / sunglasses - h&m / necklace - bootsale

taking advantage of the good weather last weekend me and my friends decided to go for a picnic on hampstead heath. i'd never been before despite it only being 7mins on the overground from camden so wanted to see what all the fuss was about. we went on a sunday so it was too busy to que for the lake which looked very inviting, but the rest of the heath was really pretty although very crowded

outfit #22 - anniversary dinner in camden

top & trousers - h&m / necklaces - primark & marc by marc jacobs / boots - primark / watch - micheal kors

discovered this cute little mexican on the look which over looks the canal(where you can get a romantic boat ride) that actually seems authentic.
it's quite small and has outside tables which make it that little bit more intimate. 
after working for my friends burrito van (luardos) I haven't eaten mexican which matches up to theirs but these fish tacos almost did (but not quite)

I reckon these trousers are about three years old (seen some on ebay recently though) but i can't get enough of them, need to own more patterned trousers but can't seem to find the perfect pair?

Thursday, 13 September 2012

outfit #21 - kew gardens

dress - topshop / necklaces - primark & marc by marc jacobs / boots - faith /

for part of our year anniversary the boy took me to kew gardens. I never knew it existed before but it was only half an our on the overground from camden road. you have to pay around £15 to get into the gardens but it's worth it as it's so beautiful. the park is huge we got there about 2 and it closes at 6 so we didn't get to see all of the park but we got to go on the tree top walk way (you can see from the second lot of pictures) which was the best bit

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

#20 - all black everything


first: jacket & top - vintage / jeans - h&m / boots - faith 
second: jacket - beyond retro / jeans - h&m / top - h&m / boots - topshop
third: jacket - asos / dress - h&m (£3!!) / hat - h&m / boots - faith /
rings - h&m & asos / watch - micheal kors / hair tie - h&m / bangle -

as you can see have been living in black recently. the first outfit was just for a trip back to brighton to see my family.

second: this outfit was for a night in the box in soho. you're not allowed to take any pictures sadly but it was quite dark in there anyway. the drinks were VERY expensive but the experience made up for it. we went there about 11 and the shows started at 1. after seeing the (erotic yet artistic) shows I can understand why no pictures were allowed.

third: this outfit was for fashion night out. I got there quite late and did not want to que for hours so missed out on all the goody bags, however did manage to get myself a free marc jacobs t-shirt! the atmosphere was amazing, the streets were so busy and filled with well dressed people music. definately going a lot earlier next year.